For the Record

Some folks blog

  • to make money
  • to get attention
  • to share their experiences or expertise
  • to journal

Obviously, this literally could include any topic at all inside these incentives.

Most bloggers fit into one of these categories.

I don’t.

I don’t make money, which allows me to recommend (or steer you away from) any thing I share (businesses, laws, thoughts, etc).  I feel like it gives me the ability to be more transparent and honest.  I can openly discuss without fear of financial ramification, but rather with an open dialogue.  I cannot be bought.

I could care less if I get attention for my blog, because it in no way was meant for a specific crowd (tho’ is amusing when one entry may be popular), or to gain approval.

Because I am not consistent in topic or intent, the readers of this blog aren’t a consistent demographic.  I’m not reaching a certain crowd.  I’m not maximizing reader potential or gain by any stretch.

Frankly, I wish sometimes people wouldn’t read it.  At times, things are too intimate to be public, yet because I view my blog is for me, I write entries that start out (or stay) private or password protected so I can share with limited demographics.  For example, I may want counsel or feedback on something I realize I may need help with or advice about.  Or maybe a topic is just very tender.

I think people who blog for others can get caught in a tangled web.  It could become a tool to use to harm others, or to add dramatic flare (and lies) to life, to inflict their opinion on others or feign ‘wisdom’.  I see this a lot, and it makes me very uncomfortable.

Galations 6:3

Because of this, I have very purposely shared very little of some of the very hard things in my life.  You’re not getting the “raw” Summer (which can be quite ugly), tho’ I also try hard not to hide truth out of fear.  You’re getting the thought out, purposeful moments.  I choose to follow this rule with my life, which clearly states what not to focus on, share, or perpetuate:

Philippians 4:8
Philippians 4:8

I share, but not often based on expertise or perfection by any stretch.  I’m a work in progress in every area of my life.  I continue learning, and have not ‘perfected’ much.

You’ll walk along this rocky path of life with me if you read my blog.   I pray you can glean something or another here, if you’re spending time reading it, but if you do, it’s by God’s good grace, not my intelligence or awesomeness.  I hope that my life can be a testimony of His greatness.

I do use my writing as a journal more than anything.  Sometimes to sort my own feelings and thoughts on a subject.  It immensely helps me process and is very therapeutic to me.  I may be preaching to myself.  Sometimes I write as a journal to record events.  Mostly, I write for me in this regard.  Sometimes I write with my kids in mind.  For example, walking them (and Scott & I) through our Saga last year.  It’s been good for all of us.  I write to keep in touch and be an active part in sharing with those who are not near.

I’ve been known to love researching and learning, but to forget details.   I learn best by doing, and so often writing something out helps me retain information (as well as creating a go-to for later recollecting), a personal catalogue or “library” if you will.

I keep my favorite recipes here.  I keep lists and how-to’s and info for my later reference.

You’ll notice that I don’t have a running theme.  Every post has a different intent or subject, some farmy, some herby, some on homeschooling and family rearing, some personal adventures or spiritual walk.  I’m all over the place.  It’s our life as we know it.  Messy.  Crazy.  Random.  Fantastic.

It’s just me.

3 responses to “For the Record”

  1. Love it because you are real.

    I see some things have infiltrated your blog space. Hope you will e able to eradicate what I am seeing, yet it my be I carried it with me. The web is a mystifying place

    1. Let me work on that. I think WordPress has ads. I can fix that! Thanks for the nudge!

    2. Sandy! I was able to remove ads completely from the blog. I hope that’ll keep the riff raff out 🙂

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