My family has been farming since 1989.  In 2001, two years after we were married, Scott & I decided to plunge ahead with our own way to sustain ourselves. We now have six children plus a son-in-law and grandbaby. We currently homestead on roughly 34 acres of land as Preserving the Harvestsharing as we go.  In this blog you will find my perspective of the many quirky things that happen on a family farm, ours in particular.

With homesteading comes a slew of other interests we are passionate about beyond growing and picking food and mucking around in the outback.  I’m passionate about growing people, and harvesting hearts.  You’ll find a lot about pre- and post- pregnancy, birth and babies… extended out to include seasons of change for older women.  You’ll also find a fair amount of religious tone as you step into our lives through this story.  Without the Maker, we simply wouldn’t be.  All glory to Him.

Though I try my best to be accurate, sometimes my details do not always reflect the views of anyone else.  My opinions stated here are mine alone, and may not be the best advice at all.  I continue to learn every day, changing as I go.

Current & Past Involvement:

Washington State Farm Bureau, Clark/Cowlitz, Young Farmers & Ranchers

Clark County Food Systems Council

American Pastured Poultry Producers Association

SW Washington CSA Farms

Vancouver Farmers Market

Weston A. Price Foundation